November 2020 - Vol. XII No. 9 Share International eNews

Share International USA is a non-profit educational organization, not affiliated with any religious group. We present this message of hope about the emergence of the World Teacher - Maitreya - and the Masters of Wisdom, and invite you to share it with others.
Rallying call!
This is not the whole story, and these are not ordinary times.

Share International magazine, in print and delivered 10 times a year, is the authentic record of the preparation for the public reappearance of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. It brings the energy of both Hierarchy and Share International to your library.

To subscribe for yourself and as a gift, see

In the November issue of Share International magazine:

  • A time of change
    by the Master —
  • Point of view:
    Global poverty soars – as incomes of world’s billionaires hit new highs
    by Thalif Deen
  • Global issues require united action and a strong UN
    by Graham Peebles
  • Eradicating poverty – a matter of political will
    by Sébastien Villemot
  • The five real conspiracies you need to know about
    by Jeremy Lent
  • The power of love and selfless service
    by Naoto Ozutsumi
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Share International
Who Is Maitreya?
Transmission Meditation
Ageless Wisdom
Benjamin Creme's Books

Share International USA
P.O. Box 5537, Berkeley, CA 94705 USA

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